Time Clock Initial Setup

How to Add a Time Clock Device

The Time Clock Device must be added to the software to connect with the cloud and begin operations.

  1. Log in to Workeasy Software
  2. Select Time Clocks on the left side nav.
  3. Click   > .
  4. Enter the details and click Save to register the device.
  5. To change the Details, click > Edit.

Device Details 

Settings Description
Serial Number Populates from the drop-down menu
Name Shows in certain reports and features
Brand Populates automatically
Model Populates automatically
PIN Used to access the clocks menu
Software Version The version currently on the device.  It will automatically populate.
Location The location assigned to the device binds the Time Zone associated with it to this device. 

You're done! 😊👍

If you have questions, please call us at (888)783-1493, email support@workeasysoftware.com, or Submit a Ticket.