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Workflows Overview
Workflows Overview
Need a custom Workflow? Please contact us for assistance!
What is a Workflow? A Workflow is a series of sequential tasks that need to be completed in order to reach a certain goal.
In Workeasy Software, the Workflow tool is used to define and implement approval processes within your company such as the Timesheet approval process.
1. Click the Global Settings Cog Wheel
2. Select Workflows
3. Pick one of the Workflow Categories and select a Workflow to edit the process. Below is a list of the available Workflows:
- Cancel Open Shift
- Cancel Schedule
- Cancel Staff Instances
- Schedule Drop Off
- Openshift Pick up
- Publish Open Shifts
- Publish Schedules
- Swap Schedule
- Asset Request
- Cancel Group and Instances
- Employee Cancel Plans
- New Benefits Enrollment
- Employee Eligible for Benefits
- Update Current Benefits
- Employee Dependents
Document Center
- Document Request
- Training
Time and Attendance
- Reopen Pay Period
- Timesheet Approval - Initiated By Employee
- Timesheet Approval - Initiated By Manager
- Close Pay Period
- Cancel Time Off Request
- Time Off Request
The Workflow Toolbar
Activities - Opens a list of Activities. Drag and drop an activity to add it to the Workflow
To Delete an added Activity: Double click the Activity and click
Select - Click and drag to select multiple objects
Zoom to Fit
Save - Save changes made to the Workflow
To Delete a connection: Double click the Connection Arrow and click
To Add a connection: Click the border of an activity ,
and drag the Connection Arrow to an applicable Activity