
Worked Hours Break Overview

Worked Hours 

Employees will be required to work a specified number of hours before they are allowed to take a break. For example, employees will only be able to take a break after working between the 4th and 5th hour. Below are the settings and features related to this break policy. WorkEasy Software system ensures that breaks are taken in compliance with specified work hours, improving scheduling and ensuring fair break management for employees.


  • Break Name
    • The break name will be visible on the following platforms:
      • Timeclock
      • Web Clock
      • Mobile App
      • Timesheet
  • Break is allowed to be taken after working more than
    • Specify the amount of hours employees need to work before being allowed to take a break.
  • Break Duration
    • Specify for how long employees will be allowed to take a break.
  • Enforce a Minimum Break Duration checkbox
    • If selected, employees cannot clock back in until the specified minimum break duration has passed.
    • If not selected, employees can clock in early before the break duration is over.

    Break Application

    The "Worked Hours Break" will be applicable across multiple platforms for easy access and functionality:

    • Web App (
      Access the Worked Hours Break functionality directly on the web application.

    • Mobile App
      Employees can take advantage of the Worked Hours Break feature on their mobile devices.

    • Time Clock Devices
      The break policy will also be integrated into the time clock devices used by employees.

    • Kiosk
      Employees can manage their breaks on the kiosk systems available in the workplace.

    Break Application