Employment Status

How to Archive (Deactivate or Terminate) Employees

Archive allows you to deactivate or terminate employees, who will then be Inactive or Terminated and removed from the active Employee List.

  • Inactive mainly applies to seasonal employees or contractors who may be hired again. You may also select this status if you immediately want to make a person inactive. You will be able to change this status to terminated later.
  • Terminated applies to individuals whose employment with the company ceased by the employee's choice (resignation) or the employer's decision (termination).

To deactivate an employee

  1. Click Dashboard > Employees > Employee List. 
  2. Select the person you wish to deactivate and click Archive.
  3. Confirm by clicking Yes.
  4. The employee is no longer seen on Employees List.
  5. To confirm that the employee was archived, click the icon Advanced Filter.
  6. Enter the ID number or employee's name in the field Search for ID or Name.
  7. Select Inactive for Employee Status.
  8. Select Archived for Archive Status.
  9. Click Ok.

  10. The employee will show as Archived.

To terminate an employee

  1. Select the employee from the Employee List and click Employment.
  2. Select Status > Terminated.
  3. Click the pencil to make the applicable changes.
  4. Select/enter all the applicable details and click the checkmark to save them.

You're done! 🙂👍

💡Good to know 

The dashboard only displays active employees. To locate inactive and terminated individuals, do the following:

  1. Click (Advanced Filters).
  2. Click the dropdown Employee Status and select Inactive and Terminated.
  3. For Archive Status, select Archived.
  4. Click Ok.
  5. Click on the employee whose details you wish to see or update.

To change an employee's information or status, go to How to Rehire / Reinstate and Employee.

If you have questions, please call us at (888) 783-1493, email support@workeasysoftware.com, or Submit a Ticket