Selfie Enrollment

How to Enroll a Face for Selfie Enrollment

How to enroll a face as an employee to complete the Selfie Enrollment via web app and mobile app

The Selfie Enrollment feature allows employees to enroll their face for use with the Xenio facial recognition device (F1000). This can be done via SMS or email with any camera accessible to the browser.

A Selfie Enrollment request must be sent by a manager for employees to complete the enrollment. See: How to Manage Selfie Enrollment

Mobile App

1. Click on the link that was sent via SMS or Email

SMS Email

2. Tap  


3. Take a Selfie

  • Click    to enroll the selfie
  • Click    to retake

* The selfie will be uploaded to the software and the employee will be able to clock in/out via facial recognition



1. Open the Selfie Enrollment request email 


2. Click the   



2. Click 


3. Click 


4. Take a Selfie


  • Click    to enroll the selfie
  • Click    to retake

* The selfie will be uploaded to the software and the employee will be able to clock in/out via facial recognition