Please see: How to Access Frozen Punches
Frozen Punches Error Messages
* When a punch is manually entered on the timesheet by the employee but the employee does not have permissions
"Entry was rejected because the employee does not have access to create this entry"
* When the timesheet was approved and an entry was added to the timesheet
"Entry was rejected because the timesheet was already approved"
*When employee is missing required compensation details
"Entry was rejected because the employee is missing compensation information."
* When the punch is outside of the limits (start & end) of the pay period
"Entry was rejected because it is outside of the pay period: [pay period start - end date]"
*When the employee is inactive and a new punch is saved
"Entry was rejected because the employee is inactive"
* When the entry is duplicated within the same request (Security Check)
"Entry was rejected because this entry is a duplicate"
*When the overtime restriction is set and the employee tries to clock in when they already have overtime
"Entry was rejected because the overtime restriction limits were reached"
*When the worked hours restriction is set and the employee tries to clock in when they have reached the threshold
"Entry was rejected because the worked hours restriction limits were reached"
* When the user who created the entry is not a system user. The entry has an employee ID but the user identity is not found within the system (Security Check)
"Entry was rejected because the employee's identity was not found"
* When the punch origin is TC, Web, Mobile, etc and the employee does not have have access to use
"Entry was rejected because the employee did not have access to the [origin]"
* When the entry has multiple origins (time clock, web, mobile, etc)
"Entry was rejected because the entry has multiple origins"
* When an employee creates a bulk of entry and the entries have multiple employees IDs (Security Check)
"Entry was rejected because the employee who created the entry does not match the employee ID attached to the entry"
* When web restriction by IP is set and the punch is sent with an IP address that is not allowed
"Entry was rejected because the entry was made from an unauthorized IP address"
* When the punch is made from an unknown IMEI or ID
"Entry was rejected because the entry was missing the IMEI or ID"
* When the punch is sent with multiple IMEI or ID that are not allowed
"Entry was rejected because of an unauthorized IMEI or ID"
* When mobile restriction by IMEI or ID is set and the punch is sent with an IMEI or ID not allowed
"Entry was rejected because the entry was made from an unauthorized IMEI or ID"
* When the photo required is set and the punch is sent without a photo
"Entry was rejected because the entry was missing the photo"
* When the punch does not have the geolocations details
"Entry was rejected because the entry was missing the geolocation details"
* When enforce geofence is set and the punch is made out side of the Geofence
"Entry was rejected because the entry was made outside of the Geofence"
* When the punch is sent to a timesheet that did not belong to the employee
"Entry was rejected because the entry was allocated to a timesheet that is not related to the employee"
* When punch restrictions is set and the employee punches outside of the thresholds
"Entry was rejected because the entry was outside of the punch restriction parameters"