Past Release Notes

Release Notes August 3, 2021

Release Notes August 3, 2021

Time & Attendance

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed Timesheet issue where the Group details were not displayed in the Timesheet Rules.
  • Fixed Payable Type issue: When "By Unit" was checked, the Payable Type was able to be saved without any amount.
  • Fixed Shift Differentials issue where a new Shift Differential rule could not be saved.

🚀  Improvements 

  • Added the ability to specify an approval and pay period deadline to be on the same date with only a few hours in between.
  • Managers now have the ability to edit Auto-Clock In & Auto-Clock Out punches for employees.


🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed issue where incorrect "Shift Templates" would display for users with certain privileges.

🚀  Improvements 

  • Added employee name filter when exploring a Weekly Pattern.

Time Off

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed Time Taken & Balances issue where time off balances could not be adjusted.
  • Fixed Policy Plan issue when leaving the "When to Trigger" field blank, the software did not inform the user that the field is required.
  • Fixed Policy Plan issue where "Entire Organization" would display in the Scope Summary when no scope was selected.
  • Fixed Time Off Balances sample import file.

🚀  Improvements 

  • Managers can now copy accrual levels when setting up Level of Service accruals.

Human Resources

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed Security Group issue where the default "Employee" Security Group was not functioning properly.


    ⭐ New Features

    • Added the Resource Center with announcements and a link to the Knowledge Base.

    🔧  Fixes

    • Fixed Workflow issue where the out-of-the-box Workflows could be saved without a name.

    Employee Management

    🔧  Fixes

    • Fixed issue where new employees could not be added to new accounts.

    🚀  Improvements 

    • A warning message now displays when a Pay Period Frequency that has not yet been configured is selected when adding a new employee.
    • Added the "Eligible for Rehire" field when terminating an employee in the Employment tab.
    • Changes can now be made and saved in the Settings tab of an employee's profile without having to add a new rule.


    🚀  Improvements 

    • Managers can now schedule reports to be automatically emailed at a specified frequency.
    • Exports can now be copied.

    Time Clocks & Kiosk

    🔧  Fixes

    • Fixed issue where "In Only" punch restrictions were not working properly on Xenio devices.
    • Fixed kiosk issue where comments were optional when they were set as required.
    • Fixed Punch Restriction issue where punches would not upload to the timesheet despite successful verification.

    Job Costing

    🔧  Fixes

    • Fixed issue when adding a new Job, the Job Type option would display when only Jobs were configured.
    • Fixed Job Costing sample import file.
    • FIxed Web Clock issue where the Project selection list would display behind comments.

    🚀  Improvements 

    • Added Job, Project, and Client Code column types to custom exports.
    • Added ability to navigate to the Job Costing Configuration from the Job List.
    • Added ability to search for a Job by Job Code on the web clock.

    Dashboard (Widgets)  

    🚀  Improvements 

    • Managers now have the ability to navigate directly from the Employee Status Widget to an individual employee's timesheet.
    • Multiple instances of the same widget can now be displayed on the same Dashboard.