Past Release Notes

Release Notes August 12, 2022

Release Notes August 12, 2022

Table of Contents



πŸš€  Improvements 

  • Added a confirmation step when attempting to archive shifts in bulk.

πŸ”₯  Hotfixes

  • Fixed a Scheduler issue when saving a shift in one day and publishing a shift in another day where the software duplicated and published the saved shift automatically.

πŸ”§  Fixes

  • Fixed a Scheduler issue where shifts could be added without the required fields.


Time Off

⭐ New Features

  • Added the following Activities to the Cancel Time Off Request Workflow:
    • Approve Cancellation
    • Deny Cancellation
    • Balance Information
    • Request Details
      • The Request Details Activity must be followed by the Decision Activity.

πŸš€  Improvements 

  • Overlapping time off requests of the same Time Off Type can no longer be submitted.
    • An error message now displays: Cannot request overlapping time off requests of the same type.
  • Improved the error message displayed when attempting to adjust a Time Off Types balance for an employee assigned to an archived Time Off Policy:
    • "Time-off adjustment is invalid, please review your Time Off Policy"

πŸ”§  Fixes

  • Fixed an issue when adding a new Holiday to a Holidays rule where the panel did not extend to the full width of the page.


Human Resources

πŸš€  Improvements 

  • Document requests are now sent with a source email address of

  • Company Documents folders now display the number of items (files and folders) inside of the folder.
  • Improved the error message displayed when attempting to delete a Template file with an active Document Request:
    • β€œCannot delete template with active request”
  • Improved the error message displayed when attempting to remove a Company Documents folder that contains files:
    • "Cannot delete a folder that contains documents"



    ⭐ New Features

    • Added a Contact Us page within the Initial Setup Wizard.

    πŸš€  Improvements 

    • Improved the user experience when adding GeoFences.
    • When configuring a Worked Hours or Time of Day break in the Initial Setup Wizard, options 4-7 are now validated to ensure a selection is made.

    • Added a hover hint to the Pay Period Frequency field:
      • β€œHow often payroll is run for the employee, also known as Pay Schedule.”

    πŸ”₯  Hotfixes

    • Fixed an Employees Import issue where Custom Field data could not be imported.



    πŸš€  Improvements 

    • Added the Currency Format option to the applicable Export Field Columns.
    • Improved the UI of the Groups and Custom Fields sections in the Advanced Filter(s) of the Job Costing and Questionnaire Reports.

    πŸ”§  Fixes

    • Fixed a Reports issue when adding a new report where selected Groups in the Employee Filters could not be saved for the following Report Types:
      • Availability
      • Open Shifts
      • Schedules


    Time Clocks & Kiosk

    ⭐ New Features

    πŸš€  Improvements 

    • Improved the Clair On-Demand-Pay pop-ups on Xenio F1000 time clock devices to enter the mobile number and start the registration process.

    πŸ” Updates

    • Updated the connection status icons displayed on the Xenio F1000.


    Job Costing

    πŸ”§  Fixes

    • Fixed a Projects issue in the Global Settings where selecting a Project resulted in a network error.