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Release Notes February 5, 2024

Release Notes February 5, 2024

Table of Contents


My Portal

🔥  Hotfixes

  • Open shifts that share start or end times with “My Schedules” shifts are now displayed and available to apply to.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed a My Portal Time Off issue where, after adding and removing a time off request, an error occurred when attempting to add a time off request on the same day.
  • Fixed a My Portal Time Off issue where the Upcoming Time Off "Reviewed By" column displayed the name of the employee instead of the manager who made the approval.
  • Fixed a My Portal Time Off issue where Time Off Requests in the future did not consider the employee's carry over date.  



Time & Attendance


🚀  Improvements 

  • Employees with assigned Groups in their Security Groups rule can no longer close or reopen pay periods.

🔥  Hotfixes

  • Fixed an Employee Timesheets issue where Automatic Breaks durations of 5 and 15 minutes were displayed as one less minute.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed an "Approaching Timesheet Approval Deadline" alert issue where the alert was not sent as configured.
  • Fixed a "Pay Period Timeline Event" alert issue where the alert was not sent as configured.
  • Fixed an Approaching Overtime alert issue where the employee’s name and details were duplicated in the emailed alert.
  • Fixed an Overtime issue when adding/editing an Overtime rule where the rule could not be saved if “Overtime 1” was set to an AM time and “Overtime 2” was set to a PM time.
  • Fixed an Overtime issue when adding/editing an Overtime rule with AM times where the selected Overtime 1 and Overtime 2 times were saved incorrectly.




🚀  Improvements 

  • Added the following setting to the “Notify Employees” activity in the Publish Schedules Workflow:
    • Notify the manager when the employee has not acknowledged their shift before the start time of the shift
    • Added the “One or more employees did not acknowledge their shift” notification.
  • The “Override Full/Half day hours with scheduled hours” Holiday setting is now applied to all future Holidays when a shift is added, edited, or deleted from the Scheduler.

🔥  Hotfixes

  • Fixed a Scheduler issue where the Planned vs Actual daily totals were not displayed upon hover or click.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed a Weekly Patterns issue where, after editing a Weekly Pattern for one employee, all employees received a “Schedule cancelled” email notification.



Time Off

⭐ New Features

  • Added the following tenure accrual effective options:
    • On Start of Policy Cycle at Hire Date Anniversary
      • The new tenure level will begin at the start of the policy cycle when the employee reaches their hire date anniversary.
    • On Following Policy Cycle After Hire Date Anniversary
      • The new tenure level will become effective during the policy cycle immediately following the employee’s hire date anniversary.

🚀  Improvements 

  • Improved the user experience when adding/editing tenure accrual effective rules in a Policy Plan:
    • Renamed “Upon first accrual date after the anniversary of hire date” to “Upon First Accrual Hire Date Anniversary” and added a description.
    • Renamed “Upon anniversary of hire date” to “On Hire Date Anniversary” and added a description.
  • Increased the carryover accrual expiration limit from 6 months to 1 year.
  • Improved the user experience when adding Holidays.
    • Added the “Holiday Type” drop-down selector
    • Added the “Advanced” Holiday Type
    • Added the “Recurring” Holiday Type
    • Added the “One Time” Holiday Type
  • Improved the Time Off Policy Conflict user experience.
    • Renamed the “Conflict Resolutions” modal to “Policy Conflict Resolutions”.
    • The name of the specific Time Off Policy is now displayed.
  • Time Off Policy conflicts now generate an email and in-app notification with the details.
    • The notification is sent to the user who added the new Time Off Policy and the System Administrator.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed an Employee Timesheets issue where “Approved” time off requests displayed the wrong number of hours for employees with recently updated time zones.

Human Resources

🚀  Improvements 

  • Added the “Group” field to the Employee Directory Designer.
  • Improved the error message displayed when attempting to archive an Asset Category that is actively assigned:
    • "Asset cannot be archived when it is assigned"

🔥  Hotfixes

  • Fixed an Employee List Profile issue where an error occurred when attempting to upload Employee Documents.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed a Compliances issue where the  "Value" of the hours was not enforced in the Scheduler as specified in the Compliances configuration rule.



Employee Management

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed an Employee List Profile issue where “Pending” time off requests were displayed in the “Upcoming Time Off” tab.
  • Fixed an Employee List Profile issue where “Denied” and “Cancelled” time off requests were displayed in the “Upcoming Time Off” tab.
  • Fixed an Employee List Profile issue where an Operation Error occurred when attempting to approve or deny time off requests.
  • Fixed an Employee List Profile issue where time off added from the Scheduler or Time Taken & Balances feature was not displayed in the Upcoming Time Off Tab in the Employee List Profile. 




🚀  Improvements 

  • Added a tool-tip disclaimer for the “Allow employees to punch when they do not have a scheduled shift” Punch Restriction option:
    • "This option is not available on time clock devices. It is only available on the Web Clock, Mobile App, and Kiosk."
  • Improved spelling and grammar across the platform. 


🔥  Hotfixes

  • When sending pay data to BambooHR from the Pay Period Overview, the total number of decimals is now rounded to 4 when the “Use decimal representation” setting is set to 5 or more decimal places.
  • The Employment Status of employees is now synced between ADP Workforce Now and WorkEasy Software.
  • An error message is now displayed when attempting to sync a previously linked employee marked as terminated/inactive:
    • "The employee you are trying to map was previously linked in WorkEasy Software and is currently inactive or terminated. Please activate the employee and attempt the operation again."



Time Clocks & Kiosk

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed a Xenio 200 device issue when clocking in/out where the “Clock In” button exceeded the vertical height of the display.
  • Fixed a Xenio f1000 time clock device issue when submitting a Break Waiver where the “Done” button was displayed outside of the modal.




🚀  Improvements 

  • Improved the user experience of the Report History feature.
    • The “Emails” column now contains a drop-down list of all receiving email addresses.
    • The “Send” column now displays results in chronological order.
      • Improved the date/time formatting

🔥  Hotfixes

  • Fixed a Company Logo issue where the WorkEasy default logo was displayed instead of the custom logo.

🔧  Fixes

  • Fixed a Timesheet Detailed report issue where overnight punches belonging to the next pay period were not displayed on the report.



Dashboard (Widgets)

🚀  Improvements 

  • Improved the user experience of the Birthdays widget.
    • Improved UI
    • Improved the settings labels and options