Initial Setup

How to Set Up or Delete a Job Costing Structure

  1. Click Global Settings > Job Costing > Initial Setup.
  2. Select a Job Costing structure and click Next.
    The four structures to choose from are: 
    1. Jobs- Track jobs within your company with different rates.
    2. Project & Job- Add jobs to individual Projects to track job costing on a Project basis.
    3. Client | Project & Job- Assign projects to different clients to track job costing on a client basis.
    4. Client | Project & Task (Job)- Assign projects to different clients to track job costing on a client basis. Jobs are segmented into multiple tasks.

  3. For our example, we've selected Jobs. Next, we need to customize the name of our Job Costing structure. The defaults for Rename Job to is Job and for Rename Jobs to is Jobs. You can rename these if you so desire or leave the default as is.
  4. Click Next then click OK.

  5. Job Costing Structure and Jobs are now under Job Costing. From this point, you can add jobs (positions, titles) by clicking Jobs > Add, entering the applicable details, and clicking Save.

  6. Adding a Job Costing Structure Rule is quite simple. Our example shows that we clicked Company and created a rule named Jobs 1.

  7. After clicking Save, the prior rule is replaced by the new one.

Deleting a Job Costing Structure

  1. Select Job Costing > Job Costing Structure.
  2. Click the delete icon for the Rule name. The rule will be archived, not deleted.
  3. Click Yes to confirm. Because job rules are archived, you can reinstate one of them if necessary.
  4. To restore an archived rule, click the list icon then click the pencil icon.
  5. Click Save.

You're done! 😊👍

If you have questions, please call us at (888) 783-1493, email, or Submit a Ticket.