Notification Preferences
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How to Set Up Notification Preferences

Notification Preferences allow you to set up notifications that you need to take action on or be reminded of. For instance, you can define that a clock-in/out notification reminder is sent to your email, as seen here. These instructions show you how to set up notifications. 

  1. Click the drop-down next to your username and click Notification Preferences.
  2. Select the applicable type of Notification.
    1. If you are an employee, Global is the notification type available to you.
    2. Other notification types are available, as seen here, for managers and admins. (Click in the order shown in 1 > 2 > 3). NOTE: You can only select and add one notification type at a time.
  3. Select the applicable checkboxes for how you wish to receive notifications: Email, Web App, and/or Mobile App.
  4. If you wish not to be disturbed during a timeframe, click Enabled and select the From and To times when you do not want to receive notifications.
  5. Verify your selections and click Save.
  6. Your newly added notification will appear under Notification Preferences.
  7. To change (Edit) or remove (Archive) a notification, click the ellipsis , then click on any notification to change (Edit) or remove (Archive) it.

You're done! 😉

If you have questions, please call us at (888) 783-1493, email, or Submit a Ticket.