
How to Run a Gusto Export

Overview of the Gusto Export and how to run the export


This is an "Out of the Box" export. To customize this export to fit your specific payroll needs, please create a support ticket


The Gusto Export produces a CSV file that displays summarized Employee Timesheet information for the selected date range. To run the export, follow the instructions below.


1. Click    in the Left Nav


2. Select    from the list


3. Apply filters (If applicable)

Date Range Selector

Filter Description
Use Pay Period  Export will populate hours for the duration of the pay period
Use Date Range Export will populate hours based on the custom date range selected


Employee Filter

Filter Description
Employee General Export will display timesheet data based on archiving status, employee type, pay type, FT/PT status, or by a searched name
Employee Groups Export will display timesheet data based on selected Location, Department, Position, or customized groups
Employee Custom Fields Export will display timesheet data based on selected Custom Fields. Click the "Check Expiration Date" box to verify if the custom field is valid or expired


4. Click   

*The following message will be displayed: "Export accepted as long running task" 


5. Click Background tasks in the notification center in the top right corner   



6. Click 


*A CSV file of the export will download to your computer