Mobile App for Managers

How to Navigate the Mobile App Dashboard (Admin/Mgr)

  1. Tap the hamburger menu to open the Dashboard.
  2. Tap the Dashboard icon to prompt the plus sign to appear and the vertical ellipsis to be enabled. Your dashboard contains your widgets.

  3. Tap the vertical ellipsis to see the actions you can take. In this example, you can tap Go Down (to move the Exceptions widget down), Check Updates, Settings, or Remove Widget.

  4. After any selection that may cause a change to the setup, you will need to tap > Save to confirm the change. The plus sign also allows you to perform other actions, such as adding a new Section Manager or a Widget. In the same way, you need to tap Save every time you change something.
  5. If you forget to save your change, a notification appears on the screen, reminding you that your changes will be lost. If you log off without saving your changes, they will be lost.

You're done! 😊👍

Also: How to Navigate the Mobile App (Admin/Mgr)

If you have questions, please call us at (888) 783-1493, email, or Submit a Ticket.