Shift Swap & Drop

How to Create, Change, or Remove Shifts Swap & Drop Rules

Shift swapping occurs when employees trade their scheduled shifts with one another.

Shift dropping refers to when an employee decides not to work a shift. The shift is then open for other employees to take over.

  1. Navigate to Global Settings > Scheduling > Shifts Swap & Drop.
  2. Select where to assign this configuration: Company, Group, or Employee.
  3. Fill out the required fields and make the necessary selections.
  4. Click Save.
  5. To edit a rule, click the icon, make your changes, and click Save.

  6. To remove/end a rule, click the icon.
  7. If you assign the rule to Employee (instead of Company or Group) you have the option to remove the rule for each person.

You're done! 🙂👍

If you have questions, please call us at (888) 783-1493, email, or submit a ticket.