
How to Assign a Geofence to a Group, Company, or Employee Location

To Enable Geofence to a Company, Group, or Employee Location

  1. Click Global Settings > Time and Attendance > Reporting Hours > Company, Group, or Employee. For our example, we selected Group.
  2. Enter or select a Rule Name.
  3. Click Mobile Clock In/Out > Enable Geolocation, and make your selection. If you select Enforce Geofence or Allow/Flag Unauthorized Geofence, you must select the applicable Allowed Geofence.
  4. Click Ok.

    Note: Allow/Flag Unauthorized Geofence
    allows all punches from the mobile device and flags those done outside the Geofence.
  5. Click the Group + sign and assign this rule to a Location. Click Ok > Save.

You're done! 🙂

If you have questions, please call us at (888) 783-1493, email, or Submit a Ticket.

Related: How to Add Geofences to the Platform