Time Codes

How to Add Shift Differentials Time Codes

You can add time codes to classify employees' hours or determine a rate of pay. Time codes can be used with shift differentials to distinguish between various shift rates. They are visible on employees' timesheets and reflect how hours are processed and paid. 

Adding Time Codes

  1. Click Global Settings > Time Tracking > Time Code List.

  2. Click  and then Add.

  3. Enter the applicable information in the fields Name and Code and select a Rate Type. Click Save
    Note: The most common Rate Type is Base Rate.

  4. If you need to export the time code using a different code, select the Export Time Code checkbox and enter the code that is being exported in the Export Code field.

Adding Shift Differential Time Codes

  1. Enter the required fields as shown here and repeat the process as necessary based on the number of shift differentials required per day/week.

  2. Remember to increase the rate for each Shift Differential Time Code in succession, as seen here.

You're done! 🙂👍

If you have questions, please call us at (888) 783-1493, email support@workeasysoftware.com, or Submit a Ticket.