Scheduling (Advanced License)
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How to Create a Shift Pattern Rule (Advanced License)

Shift Patterns provide a way to automatically apply shifts to the Scheduler with a specified pattern. This article contains a list of descriptions for the related settings to assist with the configuration of Shift Patterns.   

  1. Select the product Scheduling and the applicable scheduler.
  2. Go to the Shift Patterns tab.
  3. Select the applicable assignment group Company, Group, or Employee.

Settings for Managing Shift Patterns

  • Rule Name
    • The name of the rule that will be displayed in the Shift Patterns List.

  • Effective Start Date
    • The date when the Shift Pattern will go into effect.

  • Schedule Plan
    • The currently selected schedule plan for the shift pattern.

  • Locations/Departments/Positions
    • Select the applicable criteria to filter eligible employees for this shift pattern.

  • Color
    • Defines the display color for the shift in the scheduler. This helps visually distinguish different shifts.

  • Start Time
    • The start time for the shift.

  • End Time
    • The end time for the shift.

  • Shift Type
    • Same Day: The shift occurs within the same calendar day, from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM.

    • Overnight: The shift spans across midnight, meaning it’s a 24-hour shift.

    • Two Days: The shift lasts between 24 and 48 hours.

    • Three Days: The shift lasts between 48 and 72 hours.

  • Break (min)
    • Defines the break length within the shift in minutes.

  • Employee Shift Notes
    • Allows adding notes that employees can view in the Shift Details.

  • Is Critical?
    • Affects its classification and workflow decisions. Critical shifts might need extra attention or priority.

  • On Call?
    • Indicates the employee needs to be available but not necessarily working on-site.

  • Pattern starts on
    • Specifies the start date of the Shift Pattern.

  • Pattern ends on
    • Specifies the end date of the Shift Pattern.

    • Infinite Option: If marked as infinite, the Shift Pattern will continue to be assigned to employees indefinitely.

Pattern Selector 

  • Recurrency Type

    • Daily: The Shift Pattern is assigned to employees every day.
    • Weekly: The Shift Pattern is assigned on the selected days of the week (e.g., Monday, Wednesday, Friday).
    • Monthly: The Shift Pattern repeats on a selected day of the month (e.g., the 1st, 15th, etc.).
    • Days ON and Days OFF

      • On: Defines how many consecutive days employees will work (ON).

      • Off: Defines how many consecutive days employees will have off (OFF).

    • Custom Cycle: Defines a custom schedule cycle using "S" (Scheduled) or "O" (Off). Each letter represents a day (e.g., "SSO" means work for two days, off on the third day).

    • Advanced: Allows for more complex pattern selection by using a custom pattern selector.

  • Time Zone

    • Specifies the time zone in which the Shift Pattern’s shifts will be worked. This ensures correct scheduling across different geographical locations.
  • Time

    • Specifies the time at which the schedules will be published to the Scheduler. This defines when the shifts will be visible or updated for employees.
  • Publish Behavior

    • Publish With Workflow: The system will automatically publish the schedules using the default or customized scheduling workflow. Notifications are sent to employees, informing them of their shifts.
    • Publish Without Workflow: The system will automatically publish the schedules without triggering the scheduling workflow, meaning no notifications will be sent to employees.

If an employee is already assigned to a different schedule plan, no shifts will be added to their schedule if there is a conflict or overlap with the new schedule.